A New Beginning.

Well hello there interwebs, Welcome to my blog!

This has been in the works for a pretty long time and well, today is the day that I've worked up the courage to face my fears and make a dream of mine a reality. I'll be honest, I have no clue where this blog post is going from here but I think this blog will transition and grow and develop into something I hope will bless other people! My main desire for these posts is really to ultimately share my love for God to other people. If any of you out there have ever felt scared to share about God's love with others, know that you aren't alone. I always struggle with it. I mean, where do you even begin. But I guess this is my way of doing it. 

The past few months have been a real journey for me. After a long time of struggling with not being strong in my walk of faith, I took the step and decided to walk forth into what God had called me to do and stop running away! Rather, I decided to run but in His direction. I have been incredibly blessed with people around me who have supported this journey and who have taught me so much and I hope to transmit their wisdom to whoever reads this!

I want this to be a place where girls can find their identity as women of God..... but really more as God's daughter. I'm still learning to put this into practice but hey, we all start somewhere right? The point is to actually start. Through my experiences in life I hope to share what God teaches me everyday and inspire girls around me to be proud of their identity as the daughter of a King. 

The concept of Glorious Peonies comes from my love of peonies and the Glory of my best friend Jesus! A friend of mine inspired me to also think of this as a place where girls can uncover their beauty and how to transmit it in a way that honours Him! Like peonies, I encourage you to blossom! Don't stay stuck as a little bud, BLOOM. 

I guess that's it for now. Till next time.


  1. Congrats on starting a blog! I love the name you choose for it!


    1. Thank you so much for the sweet comment Lauren! I'm glad you liked it!


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